The Alliance has identified the situation and mobilized its partners to both respond to the COVID-19 situation once it hits informal settlements in Namibia in partnership with inhabitants in informal settlements; as well as to use this opportunity to accelerate participatory informal settlement upgrading nationwide. The Alliance has decided to form a COVID 19 Response Unit. The objective of the unit is to support the Alliance in the implementation of its response to COVID-19 in informal settlements in Namibia.
This website presents the action taken by the Alliance Secretariat and partners in light of the COVID-19 situation in informal settlements in Namibia. For latest updates follow the Alliance's Twitter and Facebook accounts. To reach the Alliance Secretariat, please contact nationalalliance@nust.na
Alliance COVID-19 Strategy, Updated 20 October 2020
Covid 19: Understanding the problem in urban areas in Namibia, and an initial response (Document adapted from here.)
In partnership with NUST Library's 'Digital Namibia Archive', we have opened an archive on COVID-19 documentation HERE.
For the latest regarding implementation of the strategy, follow the Alliance's Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Ministry of Health and Social Services website: latest updates on COVID-19 in Namibia
NUST webpage in cooperation with MOHSS and other stakeholders: http://www.covid19namibia.com/
The C19 People’s Coalition in South Africa, ensures response to the COVID-19 virus is effective, just, and prioritises the most vulnerable: https://c19peoplescoalition.org.za/ Read their programme of action in the time of COVID-19
How to tackle Covid-19 in informal settlements, by Mark Weston in the Mail & Guardian 27 March 2020.